Daily rant!

So yeah I’m working on my yard today. I fall in a hole my dog dug and landed right on my blown shoulder…so im kinda pissed. Get up, pull the cord on my lawnmower and it snapps…so ok, this sucks. So im mowing for alittle over an hr and I got like a 10x15 patch left and I’m done…then I hit a small piece of bailing twine and the mower stalls. FUCK! So now I spend 20 min fixing the damn thing, go to cut the line with my knife and slip and slice my thumb pretty good. so I finish mowing, now time to do the grass trimming…start it up…run out of line. So I go into my greenhouse to get more trim line and the wind catches the door, sending it slamming me in the back, and a nail thats sticking out like an inch diggs right into my back between my ribbs…so now I’m really pissed. Then I realize that when I moved I ripped like a 2 inch gash in my shirt. So here I am typing this with a ripped shirt and blood going down my back…I could care less about the blood. I replenish that shit for free. Cloths are expensive though damnit! It was my favorite Crow tshirt (from the movie The crow)…I like that one. I can just sew it…but then it will look like a bad ass Crow tshirt with a shitty sew job. I hate today.



dude these rant posts are gay as hell

Dude, blood, human anguish and shitty costumes (sewing jobs) are what the Crow is all about.

Now just wrap black electrical tape around your wounds and finish the damn lawn.

  1. make sure your bleeding heavily. if not, cut yourself again.
  2. go outside and play.

lol…I’m just pissed off that I ripped my shirt. This isnt a “pitty me” thread…its more of a “haha your having a shittier day than me” kinda thread.

:violin2: :mamoru:

ahahaha you have a crow shirt

lol you suck


Buy more life insurance, and make NYSPD. the benificiary. Be VERY carefull when you take a piss. Also, You may want to tell your G.F. NO!, because you’ll most likely fuck that up too. If you need a stand in, I’m available. :mamoru:

Good lord, and people say females bitch a lot. Out of the top 4 posts in this forum right now, 3 of them are bitchin and moaning about something…and the posters are males!


why do you wear your favorite shirt when you do yardwork?

Time to do some cloths shoping lol…I cant find any of my shity work tshirts cuz I think they got thrown out over the winter. besides…I didnt think it would get ruind just mowing the lawn. Meh…fuck it…I’m goin fishing lol.

Damn, your day sucked! I threw my back out painting on Saturday, bit compared to yours it isn’t even worth mentioning!

Sorry to hear man.

At least your spelling seems like its getting better.I have less troubles reading your rants.I bet your easter basket had a spell checker in it :tspry:

my day sucked a lot worse. a whole lot worse. im not going to get into it, but you dont hear me whining and complaining.

shit happens man. get over it. jesus…



well your not alone in having a shitty day.