im behind my friend in his turbo Porsche 951 (TRP351), and theres a new (latest body style) white Civic Si next to him. the 951 absolutely walks him. I couldnt really do anything because I was behind the 951. we get to the next light, and i end up next to the Civic Si. before i go any farther, keep in mind that my truck is still pretty much un-tuned, has like NO top end power and shifts WAAAAYYYY sooner than it should (this will all be cleared up tomorrow). Light goes green, i fishtail like crazy through first and the Civic Si gets about 1/2 a car. i hit second and catch traction, and i start pullin on him. by the end of second, we’re even, and once i hit 3rd i slowly but surely start to top end his ass :bloated: . i hit 80 and decide enough is enough and let off and he does a little bit of a ricer flyby and then we both go our separate ways.
:tup: to risking blowing up your truck with a new unbroken in motor and improper tuning to race a slow car…swwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
o its broken in by now
well, when i took it to the builders today, he must have floored it 20 times. it has over 500 miles on it now, and he said it was ok to do. the only thing im really getting tuned is the tranny so it shifts a little harder and holds the gears out a little longer.
on a side note tp the first thing i said, as a result of the test driving today, i now have a nice mark on the side of my face from a bug flying in the window and hitting me as we were barreling down a fresh-paved country road goin 100+
I suppose I must have misread the part about it having NO top end power which generally indicates more than just a shift point issue…but whatever
:tup: to the win…because in street racing…its all about the win
even if its an inch :lol:
well, the way its shifting right now is almost 1000 RPMs lower than where it should be, and because of this, its not carrying enough power into the next gear to get back into the power band…if that makes sense. its like its shifting too soon so it loses momentum going into the next gear…i dunno how to explain it, really.
and for the most part im off the street racing bandwagon, the situation just happened to come up and there were NO cars around and i didnt take it up to any REALLY high speeds. i saw my friend walk him in his 951 and i could tell the guy was pissed so i just wanted to seal the deal haha.
4.3 > 5.9
5.4 > 4.3 > 5.9
it wasn’t an 06 si.
thats for sure.
i’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to take one of those.
Yeah, this doesn’t make much sense. You prob. got a 1000 lbs. on that car (just guessing, I have no idea, other than what I’m guessing on by looking at your sig. which I’m assuming is your truck).
The new Si’s move pretty good.
having ridin in his truck recently, and my friends cobalt ss, non sc, which will run close to a civic si or beat the newer model, id say his truck his faster then a new si, specially in the bottom end
i have read about the 06 si’s run low 15’s not too impressed, but i guess they may have ALL been really bad drivers too
reading > doing
and on the highway the si will own
I had a R/T, Do u have the regular cab or extended?.I ran 14.9 with no mods at all . Im sure u can beat a 06 civic . You have torque on ur side (245) hp (250). I sure miss my truck
I raped a mazda 3 5 speed (not a mazdaspeed3) by like 4 carlengths due to the fact he waited like 9000090879793758937 seconds to shift
take off-redline-put clutch in-place car in gear…wait…drink coffee…take a smoke…check mirrors…next gear. repeat.
if people dont beleive me, then find me another one and i’ll own it again…only this time worse cuz i just got back from my tune and holy shit did it make a difference!!!
There slow. McMoo’s brother has one with hondata/intake and catback, I wasn’t impressed with it at all. Sadly I think my moms 05 TL feels faster.