damn it, my dremel broke

it’s a 5-35k multi-speed and now it just works at 35k. i’ve only used it for maybe 5 hours. :wtf:

good thing it has a 5 yr warranty

get used to it…

i know a few people that used it to plish wheels and they burnt theres up

dremels are junk tools…i hate the chucks the most on them. The do the job great when working correctly though.

piece of shit

I never even ran it on 35k

quit being all emo



yes those tools suck…

My multi speed dremel shit out on me about a month ago, now i’m stuckw with the backup battery powered one.

heard the battery powered one are worthless? is it true? yeah i had a dremel at one time that lasted a long time :down: and they always break when you are halfway through a project


they should do less advertising and more R&D

Battery powered one sucks other than being able to use it in a pinch.


craftsman dremel > dremel dremel
had mine for 3 years solid use still works good

I have had my dremel for 5 year now with no issues. I even used it to make a whole sub box out of 3/4 inch mdf board 3 1/2 years ago when me and Jenn lived in the apartment and I didn’t have all the room for tools I do now. I still used the hell out of the thing :dunno:

I’ll be using it here in the next few weeks to put in recessed lighting in the bar…

the new ones are junk, I hear a lot about guys that have had older ones last a lifetime