NASA is hilarious. Problem with space shuttle

Apparantly some of the grout between the heat tiles is fucked up, so they’re sending out the astronauts out on a spacewalk with a fucking hacksaw to fix it. :rofl:

“Houston, we have a problem…”

“Shuttle this is Houston, uhhh, just grab a hacksaw and have at it”


they need a dremel too…dremel ownz!


dremel’s are for girls to do little house chores, not manly stuff. :doh:

i beg to differ…

dirty georg, gearhead & I have been getting mad use out of the dremel.

I hate my dremel. I needed to cut a hole in my duct work for my air conditioner in my house and went through about 50 of the cutoff wheels and still didn’t get through all the way. I borrowed my father’s rotozip and was through in about 2 minutes. About the only good I found with it is sanding very tight places that a typical DA sander cannot get into.

you suck at the dremel then. The stereo set up I had prior to redoing it this past winter in my cav, I did the whole box with a dremel. I also used it on this past set up too and that included cutting bar steel for brackets…

i could just see it… a room full of PHDs and they came up with ‘a just havem sawzaw it off n’dat be good enuff’ :rofl:

whiz wheel > *

don’t use those brittle cutoff wheels

get the fiber ones…thet are like $5 for a 5pack or something…& work like 100X better the the brittle ones

I’m sure they have duct tape

Air Driven Wizard>* them things cut thru anything

what ever works for each person > *

don’t be all politically correct

my way is the only way, all you other retards are doing it wrong :smiley:

Space needs me up thier.

most mustang owners come from mars the way they figure out performance so you would do well there

Why, so 1 month later the space shuttle has unknown problems caused by absolutly nothing other then The Shaggy Curse?? The another thread can be started and someone can say shaggy road in it lol. :moon:

Earth Just sucks, Space Doesn’t :kekegay:

you’d see empty packs of Newports floating all over the place.
