So thats how they do it - put together a space ship

damn, thats badass!


Holy turbos!

in for later, pics blocked.

you would think its rocket science or something

The pictures weren’t all that amazing, but that’s still pretty awesome.

If anyone is interested in this kinda shiite and likes to read fiction, check out the book ‘Space’ by James Michener.

i guess i never realized how fucking huge that shit was.

good stuff

That ducting isn’t for turbos. Its for bleed air off turbine motors, that you can use for just about everything.

looking at it again… they are probably used to spin the water out of the air.

Spiffy as all heck.

the tractor that carries the space shuttle was designed by a steam shovel company WAY back when

wow i like it …where do they put the payload?

that is so amazing



does this thing have like 4 massive turbos?

edit: guess not!

anyone else get a boner seeing the chick straped to the giant phelic like rocket engine??

what kinda motor is that i want to look it up on

funny this is the pic i was talking about, if I had to guess i would say that those are fuel pumps.