turbo sizing for large engines

my mind goes to strange places when I have too much time on my hands. If you were to build a vehicle with 2 LS7 engines you would have 14L of displacement to utilize. I was looking at large turbos and it seems that options get pretty limited when you start looking at the amount of air that needs to be moved. So I started looking with more of a industrial mindset. Train turbo are massive and support huge horse power numbers. Any thoughts?

on a side note I found a train video on youtube and the comments gave me a good laugh

How did they manage to install an anti-lag system on such a monstrosity.

What planet are you from? LoL

Are you saying strictly one turbo to run both LS7s? If 2x then PT106s or similar if 4x s480/76s and make 3500hp!

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Also an acceptable answer lol

I think he wants one turbo for 2 LS7’s. Maybe like a tractor pull multiple engine set up?

I feel like the exhaust routing for one turbo and the insane lag would be big downfalls.

The better question is what size turbo would you need for 2 SHO motors and still be able to fit them in a Camaro.

Yeah build that camaro already! If it’s burnt up then buy another roller. This thread is going to go no where lol

Silly idea. I did have a thought though, I can’t find the specs, but this video shows a large Detroit Diesel 6v53t. Got the idea because my father had these engines in his old boat and I always thought the turbos were enormous. It’s got a pretty large turbo, but it doesn’t really look much bigger than some of the high hp muscle car builds I’ve seen on here, so probably a bust in terms of finding something “different” for you. I do know that the 53 Series diesels also came in a 12 cylinder config, but I’m not sure if there was a turbo variant of the 12cyl. Either way, I went digging so here it is on the 6 cyl variant,

Looking for a single turbo solution 2000-2500hp potential




For 2k hp you can do that with one motor and one turbo.

You are going to have to be more specific

I’m going to say that YOU are going to have to be more specific.

See above. You can achieve that power goal with 1 motor and 1 turbo. Anyhow to answer your q im not really sure what would be used if you want to run both motors with one turbo

Is this a crack-pot idea to mate together two LS Engines to create some kind of W-16 motor? Strangely enough, I was just looking at a thread on a wakeboarding site (of all places) of a guy mating together two 1JZ motors into a 12 cylinder motor.


Still, if that’s your plan, better off running twin turbos than 1 single.

This application would require 2 engines to remain practical. And i just like the idea of running a huge turbo instead of 2 normal size ones. I know they exist, but finding marine and train drivetrain info is not the easiest thing i have done.

Edit: i keep finding stuff that would not work on a gas engine like turbos that are way way too big or run a 7:1 or 8:1 pressure ratios

its forums like that that make me really appreciate the vb layout that we have here…

yes, that forum is severely antiquated.

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Maybe if you can get some of us excited about the application you’ll get more helpful responses.

I heard he’s mating 2 sho engines and looking to make them diesel powered for his Camaro.