Dana Jacobsen of ESPN Suspended.

apparently at the Mike and Mike Celebrity Roast she made some religiously insensitive comments while drunk. anyone know what she said?

ESPN anchor Dana Jacobson made an absolute fool of herself, swilling vodka from a Belvedere bottle, mumbling along and cursing like a sailor as Mike & Mike rested their heads in their hands in embarrassment. Griffin came to the podium to defend her after she was booed by the crowd. Ross eventually had to pull her off stage, too.

Wikipedia to the rescue. Of course, since it’s Wikipedia, it might be completely made up.

ESPN recently gave Jacobson a one week suspension from being on-air due to anti-Notre Dame jokes she made at the roast of Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic in Atlantic City.[1]

Jacobson, who is Jewish, was criticized by Catholic advocacy group The Catholic League for her characterizations of Jesus and the Notre Dame football program. She reportedly said, “F- Notre Dame.” “F- Touchdown Jesus.” “F- Jesus.” [1] ESPN deemed the comments “inappropriate” and issued the following statement from Jacobson:

"I am sorry. My remarks about Notre Dame were foolish and insensitive. I respect all religions and did not mean anything derogatory by my poorly chosen words. I also deeply regret the embarrassment I’ve caused ESPN and Mike and Mike.

“My actions at the roast were inappropriate and in no way represent who I am. I won’t make excuses for my behavior, but I do hope I can be forgiven for such a poor lack of judgment.”[1]

Pretty sure “Fuck Jesus!” will get you in trouble at most employers. :lol:

especially because Mike Golic is an alum of Notre Dame and his pro-prospect son goes there, too.

yeah i think i would get more than a slap-on-the-wrist suspension :bloated:

Most firings start with a suspension.



true. but i think most places would just can you right away. maybe not in this context, due to the public nature of the incident.

its too bad, because i really liked her when she did some work on ESPN radio.


not hot

Try hard.


Ok, I’ve seen the exact same quote on a couple other sites so I guess it’s accurate.

The web really needs to start an annual :picard: award because this would certainly be in the running.

or bad info propegated to other sites

ummm… correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t roasts supposed to be insensitive/cruel?

Fuck political correctness… seriously. Does sticks and stones not apply anymore? what a bunch of wimps


Seriously that’s nothing, watch the flavor flave roast or some shit lol

wait, it’s ESPN

SHIT :frowning:

That is what I was thinking, roasts are always way over the line.
Nothing new.

Meh, women on sports channels say useless stuff all the time, why should we start paying attention to them now?

but it wasnt aired on espn.

Meh, Cold Pizza sucked anyway so I see her suspension as a positive thing for them.


seriously though, it shouldn’t even include anyone thats not a comedian, except for maybe the roast master.

anyone see the flav roast when Birdshit Nielson tried roasting him? it was painful to watch (same with Courtney Love @ the Pam roast)

+1000 i could never believe how that shitty show was staying on the air.

J crawford?

are you serious

and skip… i honestly could argue sports 50 times better than that idiot.