

For those that asked, here are some of the pictures after the hurricane, a couple of the pictures you can see all the mildew buildup in the Z after a couple days. It was a total loss unfortunately, sold for parts for $2500.

Looks like a typical flood around here

that really fucking sucks bro. :frowning:

CTS-V :bigthumb:

thinking seriously about swapping out the wife’s SRX for a CTS sport wagon next year. the new CTS is really nice! & the V even better.

what the hell is up with all the hot dogs?

yeah the problem with the IS-F is that it’s an auto gearbox and I’ve heard the suspension sucks.

Auto for a DD not really a bad thing. I do hear the susp is very stiff, though that’s from the same pansy-ass magazine guys that say C6Zs ride way too hard for a DD.


fixed driving a stick in San Fran/ San Jose traffic sucks

X2… CTS-V > IS-F & they are in the same price range.

i would take a C63 AMG over he IS-F

if i was going to get something of this caliber & it was going to have an auto tranny i’d go for the Jag XF-R but it is a bit pricier then the other two. even the XF supercharged is no slouch @ 470hp. but you don’t get the extra 40horses, better suspension, etc… that come in the R

Yeah but it would be nice if their sports car would come with a manual gearbox too. And I was told from a salesman from Rohrich Lexus that the suspension was too stiff. But I can’t be 100% that it is bad, being I haven’t ridden in one yet. Just what I’ve heard.

Anyway I’d definitely grab that CTS-V