Darkstar this pics for you.......

(I think)

I saw this on another board and was laughing. First thing that came to mind was you doing the truffle shuffle for something. (can’t remember who told me or what it was for. I think it was whitey at Carlisle…)


Glad to see that link worked. :slight_smile:

chop on his head=priceless

I;m not that technically inclined when it coms to photo shopping gifs :frowning:

Gif editor!!

thats what I mean I have no clue. Is that part of photoshop? if so I don;t have it here at work. If its totally seperate I don;t have it either. :frowning:

I had a good program that would edit gifs… had a 30 day trial though, and I can’t use it anymore… :frowning:


use adobe imageready… usually comes with photoshop

ahhhhhh, i always wondered what the hell the truffle shuffle was. Ive never seen the goonies. :bigthumb: