photo/mac people

need a good animated gif program for mac…need to make a good pictures of someone deciding that a fence gate was a good place for a car…kthxbye.

You bastid :rofl

love you, and this will be so much better animated, but no one seems to want to help me so i guess i’l just have to go to google when i get around to editing.

dont you make gifs in photoshop or something like that? i think thats what i used in computer class in hs.
you can use gimp, which is free and is close to photoshop

photoshop doesn’t do it (unless they added it in a recent edition and i didn’t figure it out). i know something else in the cs collection does, but thats about 20 apps that i have to go through to figure it out. since i knew i wasn’t gonna be around my computer all weekend i was hoping to come back to an answer and not do anywork on my own. i prob wont edit any photos till after i’m done with my 2 final papers so lets hope someone else has an answer before then lol.

I just use gimp, it’s pretty easy

^^^ Absolutely.

where the fuck is this .gif!

I have used photoshop before, and gimp is a good choice