Datelines "To Catch a Predator"


you are on a roll today…it’s nice to see the old you out and about. now go bash some noobs

as far as I can tell the new him is still old.

he has take a sabbatical for a while it seems.

Very True.

I actually have to work on occation :frowning:

I am just really bored today

you should keep a 14 year old girl locked up in your basement. Does wonders for me when I get bored.

But I am not at home. I mean, NO, why would I do that?

here, just until you get home.

It was a lot harder to make the wrong decision at a young age 100 years ago. Biologically speaking, girls would be in the company of their parents until they got married. Thus the legion of whores was nowhere near the level it is today.

You say we are repressed and such, but really, it’s a pretty simple concept. I think everyone would agree that a person with partners in the triple digits has overdone it, and probably has a few diseases to prove it.

But nobody wants to say that abstinence is good either, so we are stuck with a problem, that none isn’t enough, and too much is too much, and nobody can decide where the happy medium is.

The problem for kids who are 14, is that they’ve only seen the “glamorous” side of life on MTV and every movie they’ve ever seen, so they lack the proper information to make the right decision, let alone maturity and intellect.

and 50 years before that they were married at age 12 and had 3 kids by 16.

You say we are repressed and such, but really, it’s a pretty simple concept. I think everyone would agree that a person with partners in the triple digits has overdone it, and probably has a few diseases to prove it.

But nobody wants to say that abstinence is good either, so we are stuck with a problem, that none isn’t enough, and too much is too much, and nobody can decide where the happy medium is.

Different strokes for different folks. no pun intended. Everyone has a perception on what is “too much or too little” and no one’s perception is the same as the next. Why you/we as a society feel the need to have people conform to a blanket rule of “too much or too little” boggles my mind. We worry about what other people are doing way too fucking much.

The problem for kids who are 14, is that they’ve only seen the “glamorous” side of life on MTV and every movie they’ve ever seen, so they lack the proper information to make the right decision, let alone maturity and intellect.

what a horribly ignorant thing to say. I would normally expect more from you besides baseless, unintelligent, stereotypical ramblings.

Let me rephrase, 14 year old prostitots who solicit sex on the internet on mommy and daddy’s aol account…have only seen the glamorous side of sex.

mmm 14 year old pussy

it interests me how you are so in tune with the inner workings of the 14 year old female mind. How do you know what their motivations are? there used to be quite a few 14-16 year old girls that used to come to my house to attend parties my little brother would throw. They were all sexually active, and seemed to be doing it for the same reasons everyone else was… because its fun and enjoyable. Not to be “glamorous” or whatever.

darkstar did you sleep with said girls?

How else would he know that they were all sexually active?

Whoa, you totally missed what I was saying. They don’t do it to BE glamorous. I merely said that the TV and movies they have seen about sex just show people having fun (the glamorous part), most tv shows don’t mention vaginal warts, teen pregnancy, and the herp.

So at 14, they don’t know as much as they think they do, and are at a much higher risk to suffer the negative consequences.

I understand your stance on government, and I agree…to a point. There should be no penalties for a victimless crime, but there can be victims here. For limited government to work, morality has to govern behavior where government does not. We don’t all have to have the exact same morals, but we have to be realistic.

i had sex with a 14 year old…it’s not all it’s cracked up to be

negative ghostrider.

you’re right. I’m sure most 14 year olds think that babies come from the stork. And I’m sure they have never heard of AIDS, or Herpes or condoms or anything like that.

I understand your stance on government, and I agree…to a point. There should be no penalties for a victimless crime, but there can be victims here. For limited government to work, morality has to govern behavior where government does not. We don’t all have to have the exact same morals, but we have to be realistic.

what we really need is for people to be responsible for their own actions.