dawn of the dead

is a good fucking movie. the new version is different than original. some shit the same, but totally different…


Just saw it tonight too… i need to watch alot of TV to get this movie outa my skull… fucked up dreams lol

whats with having so much humor in horror movies lately??? I mean, it was pretty good…but wasnt scary at all.

yea it def. wasnt scary,but still a good flick none the less

what was up with that sex scene…

lol, all of a sudden 2 titties hangin out of a bra were in a close up on the screen, last like 3 seconds then gone

ya, the humor was pretty evil deadish wasnt it? I was laughing so hard when they started sawing the zombies legs off lol.

Anyone stick around thru the credits to see what happened on the island? I did, everyone just left, about 20 ppl stayed and saw the footage that was going on after the credits.

i saw it last nite too…wasnt too scary but i liked it. i stayed for some of the credits…it was funny everyone got up to leave and then when they seen there was more footage after everyone just kinda hung around in the aisle.

what happened on the island?

Originally posted by 4-3
what happened on the island?

go watch it agian, or IM me on AIM if you want teh spoiler, I dont want to toss it out for ppl that havent seen it yet

it was pretty good…

but it was no 28 Days Later.

THAT movie was fucking great.