Dawn of the Dead *review and chatter*

From the very beginning of the film, i felt a very uneasy feeling. Most of it was due to the fact that parts of the movie were filed in Toronto and the residential scenes looked alot like my neighbourhood. Very gory, very bloody, very realistic. If an emergency like this ever took place, i’m sure this is exactly what would happen.

The mayhem starts right from the get go is consistent throughout the movie. This remake stays true to Romero’s work despite a few updates. And even though the Zombies have have gained the extra stride in their step, it makes for an even scarier movie. Make sure you don’t get up and leave when the credits come on, the movie keeps playing in between credits.

Great movie, one of the scariest horror movies in long time. Resident Evil 2 better start working on it’s ad campaign.

I will post more once people have seen it, so as to not spoil the movie for them.

I was in it
I’m one of the zombies

No you weren’t!!! :lol:

I tried to be a zombie extra for that movie and Resident Evil2. How did you get the part?

haha i was :wink:
I coulda been in Resident Evil 2 aswell, cept my school started about the same time as most of the filming, school is more important.
Through my agent :o

That’s awesome. Which zombie were you? What scene?

hmm off the top of my head…
brooding zombie (just walkin around outside the mall)
truck chasing zombie
when dog is lowered into the zombies
‘growling’ at ppl on teh roof zombie

i remember we wernt allowed off set because on the 1st day some ppl went to another mall and were scaring the hell outta ppl with their full makeup. some lady had to goto the hospital.
Also we were in that ghetto thornhill parking lot and were standing like right nexto the road, u shoulda seen the looks we were getting haha.
Faces 1/2 ripped off, blood all over us, haha

Wow! There are actual movie stars in this club?? I’m star-struck! :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess I’ll have to be content with my brief appearance in Drift Nation’s promo vid for DX1. :smiley:

that is wicked mike,

i wanna see what ever you are sending around dude.

i may have to go see this movie now, normally i dont watch stuff like this because i dont find it entertaining. not horror flicks, but hollywood releases in general

just ogt back from the movie, wouldnt have checked it out if not for mike.

it was not as annoying as i thought it would be, i was fairly entertained i guess. some laughs.

walked in a couple minutes into it when the girl bites her dad (spoiler???) didnt scare me, but made me a bit uneasy. do thay have to keep that $hit between such clase family?

WTf is wrong with mekhi pfiher (<<spelling)

usual plot holes.

it’s only worth it if you pretend to be a senior, and as always, we did.

hmm #1 in the box office, id watch it but im a pussy :lol:

Why did you think it would be annoying? It’s a zombie movie, what were you expecting?

What do you mean by clase family? That part had me feeling a little uncomfortable. All the idiot parents that brought their 8 years olds to the movie abruptly walked out at that point. :roll: Sigh.

What was wrong with Mekhi Pfifer (sp?) ?

What plot holes?

What do you mean pretended to be a senior?

You have some 'splainin to do.

I have a cameo in that video aswell.

i mean close family.

by pretending toi be a senior i mean buying golden age tickets and paying half price to see all movies.

in the move mekhi pfifer is a dummy.

errr… time to go to class

I knew it was a typo, but it still didn’t make any sense. Keep what sh1t between such close family?

Why was Mekhi Pfiffer a dummy?

How does one pretend to be a senior? I get corporate tickets anyways, so all movie tickets are dirt cheap.

Go back to class.

buy golden age tickets at the kiosk, they cost like $6.50

lmao thats awsome

I saw it last night, i thought it was a great movie! Mike that is awesome!

i saw that movie at the best place possible, i was in south florida, so i’m with a large group of black women. It was great cause they kept yelling at the movie screen, “uhun, dont you go in there!!”, “dammit girl, shoot 'm in the head, ahhhhh” and lots of “oh my god!”, and lots of screaming. very funny.

good movie :thumright:

that would make it funny… lol

man it was!

i think the greatest was when one of them told us that she disproved, of the Mekhi Pfiffer / zombie family.