Come celebrate the big TWO-ONE with me.

Friday Oct 2nd, on Allen St. Who knows where I’ll be? Hardware, the Pink, etc. HAA. Come laugh at people and be obnoxious with me, and buy me drinks!


friday huh… i’ll probably be down there anyways… i’d keep an eye out for you but i have no idea what you look like haha. wait, wait… i saw the dildo pic so i have an approx idea of what you look like…

Will there be any attractive girls there?

Most likely. Come try and mack on girls who aren’t DTF! YAY!

Happy early b-day Dawn! try and see if you can remember it the next day.

Ha. Well my birthday is actually next wed, the 30th, but I figure that most people won’t go out on a Wednesday. HA.

Thanks though! :slight_smile:

do my laundry

I will be out on Allen Fridays anyways…

You can buy me a drink.

scene chicks?

I <3 scene chicks, but hate allen.

If I offer to buy you a drink
Trust me when I say it’s non-alcoholic
I want you to wake up and remember my name
When you’re washing my cum off your fucking face


Wait, no creepsters allowed but you’re having it on Allen? That’s like having it in Williamsville and saying no white people allowed.

Enjoy your birthday Dawn, I’ll be in NYC for a wedding.

Noooo, the Pink is full of very classy, not creppy at all people :lol:

So you squirt?



it better stop raining.

Allen street can suck my cock.

Literally… It’s the ghey district.

But Allen, seriously?? I would not want to be there with all the creepers at Pink, Staples, etc… especially when in the morning you hopefully wont remember a thing.