Pretty nice trailer park if I must say so.
Yeah, It’s cool, if you’re into that kinda thing…
Don’t hate. shit’s cheap.
Sometimes can be better than an apartment, I mean, at least with a trailer you can sell it and get back some of the money you’ve put into it.
Car looks great Nick!
There is no way all those stickers were on there when I drove it.
I feel like it’s something I probably would have noticed…
THeres nothing wrong with a trailer park.
its better than living with your parents
Nicole the car was all stock when u drove it. LOL
It didnt have the rims or suspension at that point either! LOL
It is a pretty nice trailer park. I live here with a buddy of mine. it is pretty cheap. and ALOT nicer than a shitty apartment.
Thanks guys for the compliments
Yeah, I knew the wheels / suspension were new.
I don’t think I have ever felt more weird driving a car in my life.
And the trailer park is really nice considering.
None of them are dilapidated and falling in on themselves.
There were no pink flamingos and broken lawn chairs.
hey nick I’ll let you beat on the civic again if you let me drive this.
lol maybe someday
whats up with the stickers??
Adds power i think…
I LOVE stickers!
it attracts attention at shows.
Girls love stickers.
Ls1 may instantly make girls wet, but want your nots.
A wet girl who doesnt want your nuts is useless. If you find a dry girl who wants you she can be made wet if you have the right skillz
what the fuck did you just say
there i fixed it. I posted that while waiting on a customer yesterday
very very true…you could have the wettest girl on the planet…but if she doesnt want you you wont have her…
Bullshit, bitches spread em or they get maced.