lol … also near my rents house :gotme:


that movie was great

so did anyone get a chance to poke it with a stick?

or even hit it with a stick

i wondered what FIVE OH was doing there when i went by the on the 400 entrance ramp.

Gross. I found a dead body floating next to the Intrepid in Manhattan on a cub scout trip when I was a kid. “Hey dad look a sea turtle!” “No son I think that’s a dead guy in a blue/green shirt.” Then we called the cops and watched them fish the body out. Classic…


is this Ryan ?

and the pics are where?

dude gross…


haha thats fuckin crazy.

Maybe it was locked in the trunk of a car.
Then I found a place that’s dark and it’s rotted It’s a cool sweet kinda place where the copters can’t spot it And I destroyed the map I even thought I forgot it However every day I’m dumpin’ the body It’s better for us if you don’t understand

How has no one…

They are NOT OK


they just found one of my brothers friends from highschool in someones backyard murdered the other day. i dunno if this is the same one or not, but kinda fucked up story. The guys brother died last year, he had a heart attack while working out, after that there parents couldnt afford there bills because of the funeral so he started selling crack to help out, and now hes dead.