Dead body in Depew creek


Jam posted something like this a year ago:!-!-!-!

From WS to Depew!?

If it was anything that bad there would be more details out publicly…

This is like a mile from my house lol

Edit: Shifty I see you all the time near central/commerce

Neighbors say two young boys made the discovery while walking in the creek bed. The children apparently thought it was a Halloween prank at first and are said to be shaken up by the discovery.

is this your first week on the internet? :lol:

Throwing around old internet memes

Wonder how many times they poked it with a stick before they realized it wasn’t a prank.

Don’t know the details, ruled it was a accident. I knew this person, things in life you hate to see happen to people. I don’t know if it was a car accident or fishing accident.

Probably walking home from Sal’s drunk and feel in the creek.

Most likely on my way to work. What car do you see me in M3 or Audi? What are you driving?

This is what most people are saying ^

I heard his parents won $ 1 million from Sal’s

They shelled out a million already?? Sounds like bullshit.

Most likely $50k a year

i don’t think his question was whether the full million was paid out already. he was probably wondering how a million dollar settlement could have been awarded in such a short time frame. it’s been less than a week.

Gotcha…I should have given more information, my fault.

I meant to say: I heard his parents won $1 million for a scratch off playing the lotto, from Sal’s.

lol wow, that’s a completely different statement. thanks for the clarification.

it sounded like you were saying they won a judgement or settled a lawsuit.