Dead Mans Cash

note: wassint sure where 2 put this article, so mods, please move if neccessary.

NEW YORK - Two men were arrested Tuesday after wheeling a dead man through the streets of New York City in an office chair to a cheque-cashing store and trying to cash his Social Security cheque, police said.

David Dalaia and James O’Hare pushed Virgilio Cintron’s body from the Manhattan apartment O’Hare and Cintron shared about a block away to Pay-O-Matic, spokesman Paul Browne said witnesses told police.

“The witnesses saw the two pushing the chair with Cintron flopping from side to side and the two individuals propping him up and keeping him from flopping from side to side,” Browne said.

The men left Cintron’s body outside the store, went inside and tried to cash his $355 cheque, Browne said. The store’s clerk, who knew Cintron, asked the men where he was and O’Hare told the clerk they would go and fetch him, Browne said.

A police detective who was having lunch at a restaurant next to the cheque-cashing store noticed a crowd forming around Cintron’s body and “it’s immediately apparent to him that Cintron is dead,” Browne said.

The detective called uniformed New York police officers at a nearby precinct. Emergency Medical Services technicians arrived as O’Hare and Dalaia were preparing to wheel Cintron’s body into the cheque-cashing store, Browne said. Police arrested Dalaia and O’Hare at the store, he said.

Cintron’s body was taken to a hospital morgue. The medical examiner’s office told police it appeared Cintron, 66, died from natural causes within the previous 24 hours, Browne said.

“He was deceased in the apartment when he was removed by these two,” Browne said.

Dalaia and O’Hare, both 65, were being held by police and face fraud charges, Browne said.

They probably saw the movie “A Weekend at Bernies” too many times LOL!

omg too funny for just $365.
that is so wrong for those guys to do that :\

i think the bigger issue is why the hell people would go through all that trouble for only $365…

lol that movie is still kinda creepy…

They must have needed the cash pretty damn bad to do something so stupid and disrespectful.

Yea those guys must be crack fiends or something thats some desperate shit.