Deadliest Plane Crash in Brazil's history.,22049,22097048-5006009,00.html

Airbus A320, 200 dead :frowning:

Rescuers had little hope of finding survivors as they picked through the rubble of a fiery airliner crash, with more than 200 people dead in what would be Brazil’s deadliest air disaster.

wow, thats a fucking shame.

side note, is it just me or is that a badly placed AMEX ad? lower right…

Saw that. So sad.


wow, thats a fucking shame.

side note, is it just me or is that a badly placed AMEX ad? lower right…


Ads are keyed to certain words within a particular story. Ironically this story was about airplanes and flight travel so an ad was placed referencing that topic.


Ads are keyed to certain words within a particular story.






so sad…