Deadly accident at Darien Lake

Maybe just a little though. I wonder if the train pulled back in with just his legs. Imagine being the next person trying to climb in… WTF are these legs in my seat!

In all seriousness though it is sad and I apologize for my above comments and my condolences to his family and friends.

I almost didn’t write my above comment but I figured Geehee already went there…

I’m still waiting for someone to launch off the bungee swing.

For you assholes to say he was using it as way out, pull your head out of your ass. He was a good guy, and never complained about what had happend. The memebers of his familly i know are great people. This was a very unfortnute happening.

Why would you think he would wait untill the family was all thier with his kids, sitting next to his nephew.

this is really shitty. RIP and best wishes to his children and family.

It’s not in anyway dis-respecting the guy! There were too many things happened to him and his life is totally changed. There could be a million things going on in his mind. You’re not him so you can’t really know what he’s thinking. No doubt that he’s a good guy and so is his family. But I’m a parent of one and as a parent I know how much the kid mean to me. For his condition, there is no way he can helps or raises his kids. He might thinks that he’s a burden to them and the family and by doing this at least his kids got some money and be good for a very long time. I know I’m not him so this is just a guess/thought, but this is what I would do If my life is like that. Whatever it is, best wishes to his family and may he be with god and RIP.

Well this was predictable: Dem from Massachusetts calling for federal oversight of amusement park rides.

The state already does this and no one even knows exactly what happened yet :ham:

Any confirmation if prosthetic legs were present while riding the ride? I can’t fathom any reason why Six Flags would allow him to ride the ride if they weren’t.

Witnesses say he had the legs on.

Hackemer was not wearing his prosthetic legs when he got on the roller coaster, his sister said. He had been getting around the theme park using a wheelchair.

seems like some conflicting information there.

Yeah definitely. I just read yesterday that he did have the legs. But that’s the news for you…

PTSD coupled with his injuries can play a serious roll. I am not discrediting you in any way, as I do not know him, but it’s often the people that need the most help that never show it.

Side note, I’m a little disgusted by the suicide accusations.


Ok, Just my own statement and thats all. I know people have already made mention, but regardless of no legs/ fake legs. I’m sorry to anyone turned away, but your life is more important than riding a rollercoaster designed to keep you in your seat by restraints on your legs and waste area. Any common sense would bring red flags up that this might not be the person to let on the ride, and on top of that, might not want to be the ride you would want to go on.

RIP and its sad to see a death like this, my thoughts go out to the family for this being how he passes and not being something across seas.

isnt this the second person to fall off of this ride?



I know all about PTSD and serious injuries, I was critcally wounded myself in afghanisthan and live every day with the injuries that changed my way of living. Yea i have all my limbs so i was extremely lucky and no where ne compared to hackemer’s. I can relate and know very much alot of his feelings. Plus i knew him and know his his siter jody pretty well.

This is a guy who went threw alot, and over came a ton. he was very active with his injuries and had a great out look on life. His siter talked about hime all the time while he was at walter reid.

If one was to commit sucide they most likley will do it alone, not sitting next to your nephew, with family memebrs all all round from out of town.

Let me add that I am in NO WAY insinuating suicide, I was just rebuttling your previous statement regarding “acting fine.” I also find it disguisting that many members jumped to that conclusion. It is a tragic incident, and my thoughts are with his friends and family. RIP.

I personally feel that yes they should not have let him on the ride since if I recall, the ride is only a lap bar and without any legs, you have no lap but if they told him no he can not ride, then the articles would be flaming darien lake saying how they won’t let a war hero on a ride.

Agreed, even his sisters said if they told him no he still would’ve been on that ride.