Deal of the day: Westinghouse 37" 1080P LCD 599 SHIPPED

it’s a pretty good deal :tup: Would make a great TV for the bedroom or bar area

I have a 37" Westinghouse LCD very similar to this one at home and I love it. They are really good sets.

I have the 42" TX-42F430S and it works quite well, not a Sony or Samsung by any means but it is a good panel. Someday hope to replace it with a Pioneer Kuro

This TV has been this price a bunch of times recently.

Here is a link that includes another $15 off

It has been cheaper within the last couple weeks off different sites:

wow :tup: can’t beat the price

My review:

This TV has no tuner.
Which is fine if you are using a cable box.

SD channel performance is less than steller according to reviews.

It does get good marks as a computer monitor and HD set.

junk tv. Cheap price

1080p is overkill for a 37" lcd.

there will be deals better than this within the next 2 months

Read all of the “cons” and “other thoughts” of the “very poor” reviews… this display looks like it may be a bust…

I know! How terrible. Why would anybody want more pixels per inch? What a joke!

disagree if you use it for a computer monitor

Its made out of Sharps scrap parts.

just FYI.


Compare a westinghouse, olevia, tv menu to a sharp…they are identical, also happens when you open them up and look at part names.

Here is a better deal


What’s their ‘special price’? It isn’t coming up for me for some reason.


1299 shipped!!