Dear David Moffitt (v. 350Z seats) *pics*

please go to hell for offering me such a good deal on your 350Z seats.
couldnt pass em up…had no idea wtf iw as getting into…damn nissan for making these seats…they are the biggest fucking headache on earth to take apart…as if they werent meant to be taken apart :confused:
Z forums were NO help whatsoever, the guys that did it …did it the most retarded way i could ever imagine.

well. after 4 hours of using a grinder as a saw hacking the complete shit out of the 350Z rails and making up some cross brackets to go on the 300ZX rails which i attatched to the 350 seat in a manner that impressed myself because i am by no means lafengas like…bam the passenger seat is IN. looks really good :slight_smile: haha…pics will come soon after i find time to do the drivers side.

now a couple pics…still need to be cleaned they’re a little dirty from them rolling around on the ground trying to get them in etc etc…

:tup: very cool

pics please.

are these cloth or leather?

you whiney bitch.

It’s worth it, I love those seats :slight_smile:

HAHAHA sorry dude!! :smiley: What a PITA.

Did you keep the buckle parts? If you aren’t using 'em lemme know / drop them with Innovative or Hybrid at some point and I’ll grab 'em… if you do need them, no worries :smiley:

i took them off. i have to use my buckle part since im using the 300zx seatbelts still…paulo theyre the black cloth (kind of 2tone- cloth/mesh)…nonpower nonheated lightweight “track” edition seats with the bigger side bolsters

definitely want to see pictures.


definitely want to see pictures.



what’s taking so long?

Pics yet?

yes pics

yes hot :tup:

Your car looks a lot more exotic now


they look pretty beat up and old already

they were just a little dirty, they cleaned up well…except for that outside bolster where the fabric is pilling kind of

Now spray paint your interior red and white.

Really, though, they match well.

no thanks


they look pretty beat up and old already


have you ever seen an old beat seat?

looks good dude :slight_smile: