Dear friends

I would like to take a moment and sit down and explain to you narcicistic homo-erotic pedophiles something I realized today. We have been going about something all wrong on this forum when we use the term “real life +rep”.

Real life plus rep is not just some dumb assed statement it is this:

When you want to plus rep someone in real life you purchase that man a nice tall frosty beer of his choice. If he does not drink beer you punch him in the stomach, kick him in the balls while he is down and urinate on his face for he is not a man he is a pussy.

Also real men do not drink Bud Light lime

Thank you

Well put. Real life plus rep if we are ever around some nice frosty beers


I was drinking with one of the local detectives I know over the weekend, and this fuck pulls a bud light lime out of the cooler. Now, his wife was there, so I was thinking, ok, maybe its for her. But nope, he drank it.

I made fun of him for about an hour for being a woman

Sorry Bud Light Lime is the shit.

real life +rep WITH A BUD LIGHT LIME next time i see you because that shit is good.

+1… but i still like labbatt over anything

Shit is lime flavored piss.

Mich Ultra here, cuz i’m old and fat.

YES! I’ll have my man pants on too, you better have yours.

Guinness or GTFO

^ gross

^not a man

BL Lime is a bad idea, simply for the fact that I can drink it like soda…

Ive been to the guinness brewery. It was fun

I also like bud light lime.

Nope, just not into dark beer. Not enough Irish in my blood brah

this and it doesnt taste like shit like everyother “light” beer

Lucky fucker… I still want to go over and try Chocolate Guinness.


Guiness FTW, just can’t drink many of them.