Dear friends

Land Shark ftw!! And double bastard is pretty legit too

^I agree Land Shark is my new fav.

DOS EQUIS or nothing.

Budweiser is like toilet water.

Lately Ive been drinking Miller Lite.

++++1111111 million

bud light lime is good but i always get corona and lime instead when im out

BUT i pop bottles these days i dont really drink too much beer

Brooklyn Monster Ale or Mendocino/Saratoga Brewery Black Eye and Talon are my beers of choice. Followed up by guiness, Otter Creek smokehouse porter, or any of the Saranac Imperials.

Twisted Tea… and I know a ton of m*fuckers on here are closet TT drinkers!

Works like beer tastes like tea :thumbup

Ill drink one if its around or gets handed to me but not something I drink regularly.

ive slapped twisted tea out of strangers’ hands drunk.

I was like 20, they were 16. My buddy and I (the kid who’s house it was) thought it was hilarious, they did not.

bl lime is pretty good, i prefer yuengling or rolling rock

yuengling>* for “cheap” beers, no questions asked.

if you disagree, i will RLneg you, which consists of me hiring joe jiggs to call you a fag.

Sam Adams Seasonals are usually pretty damn good, too.

Ohh the irony. :rofl

I drank 3 in an hour at my friends garage becasue we were all too lazy to get any beer 1/4 mile away. Thats all that was there. And i felt like a fag.

They do not work like beer. you would have to drink a 12 pack to get a buzz. they do taste good though, but in my eyes it just over prices, governed iced tea.

I get a kick out of people that think they are cooler or some shit because they drink the microbrew shit (and diss others that dont drink it) that in all honesty tastes like garbage most of the time.

You sir are drinking the wrong microbrews then. Not bashing you for not drinking them, I could care less what you drink, but there are a bunch ofvery good microbrews out there.

haha yup, and some very weird nasty ones too!

You aint cool unless you drink microbrew beer