There might be a Ghostbusters video game in the works. Motherfuckin Ghostbusters!!! :lolham: If this is true, I really hope they have Slimer in it.
Slimer >>>>> you.
There might be a Ghostbusters video game in the works. Motherfuckin Ghostbusters!!! :lolham: If this is true, I really hope they have Slimer in it.
Slimer >>>>> you.
hahaha this would be awesome, i loved the ghosbusters game for sega or nintendo, i forgot which one it was :gotme:
Luigis mansion for the gamecube was pretty bad ass.
Yeah i played that game a long time ago… on the PC. its about time they ported it to the “consoles”.
In all its top view & side scrolling hotness.
no seriously. . do we really need a repackaging of an old story?
has there ever been a movie based game that was any good? or for that matter a game based movie worth watching?
I would so buy this game
bad links p0wn you!
Let me help
slimer = disturbed
Welcome to 20 years ago… There was a Ghostbusters game by Activision for the Commodore 64. It was a really good game, actually.