Dear Howie Dearest,

Dear Howard,

I’m sure that you are aware, but if you are not I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Katie Couric is leaving the today show at the end of May. Lady Couric, as she prefers to be called now, will be the prima anchoress, the head pooba anchor, the radical and bodacious talker of CBS evening news.

Since I’m sure you are in tears by now, I’d like to give you time to collect yourself.

…think about Felissa Flockhart…

So now that you and I are collected, lets discuss what we can do for Katie. I was thinking that we should have a nyspeed cruise to NYC. Since your vicinity and knowledge of the area makes you the NYspeed expert of such affairs, I am writing you to help me with this effort. I envision that we can throw Katie an all night candlelight vigil. We’ll sing songs like “I got you babe” “Islands in the Stream” “Tell Him” and “Does he love you.” I think this song list can impact the entire nation…no…the world!

So please consider this idea. I’m sure we can designate President of the Katie Couric candle light Vigil, Vice President, Secretary, Sgt at Arms, etc. This will keep everybody in line and provide a terrific emotional network which will help each and everyone of us make it through these times.

We owe this to Katie Couric. She has been so inspirational over the years. Please consider.

I sincerely hope you save this letter because I’m going to ask to see it when we visit for The Katie Couric Candle Light Vigil,

cc Nelson on


She is joining the other emptyheads at Communist Broadcast System.
She is cute though.

i heart coreys posts :slight_smile:

Who is Felissa Flockhart?

I’ve heard of Calista Flockhart.

Oh, that was her name before she went anorexic.

I’ve always hated Katie… even when I’m in a good mood.

that’s probably why I’m hoping she never writes a(nother) book/wins any more awards, dies in a plane crash over the antarctic ocean, and survives the crash… only to freeze to death on some sort of small piece of ice. where do coelacanths live? I want them to eat her remains.

… what?

Dear Jannifer,

You will be happy to read this then,
podcasting Katie would surely bring meaning and joy to everybody’s life. You could loop them all together and then you won’t have to leave your couch. Life would be so full… I don’t know how I would handle this.


Have you ever sat through the whole 3 hours of Today? It’s quite terrible. The last hour is the worst. Lets discuss a new way to exercise for 15 minutes, then do the weather for 15 minutes, cut to local news for 3 minutes, and the rest is just commercials or Katie talking about herself. Or Katie talking about herself before the commercials. The only other show that compares is AM or PM buffalo. Either of them is a real treat.

I HATE Katie Couric, Hate. Hate. Hate.

Wouldn’t you like to give her a candle light vigil then? We’ll use black candles.

The only way I’d be at a candle light vigil for Ms. Couric is if she were attending and wearing polyester soaked in gasoline.

I’d rather hang out with Zacarias Moussaoui than Katie Couric. At least Moussaoui talks about something other than himself.

One time the topic was Older Women Having Children…and they had this hottie 50-60 something lady who had a baby…and Katie says “Old people having babies? Ew.”

This is why she must die.