I have an idea. Since you’re a pretty craft individual, could you craft me a Corey-sized big wheel?
I’d love it to death.
I have an idea. Since you’re a pretty craft individual, could you craft me a Corey-sized big wheel?
I’d love it to death.
i thought this was going to be a dear john style letter so i unignored it. that sucks.
Why wasnt this a PM again?
because my movement needs a solid fan base to make it a viable business venture?
something like this ?
No. I want something I have to pedal and can steer.
Needs more spinners.
A friend in college crafted such a vehicle with spare bike parts and some random desk chair…was BADASS. I’ll try to find a pic of it…it was the closest thing to the original bigwheel that I have ever seen.
hahahaha. zapped!
a bigger big wheel would be be sweet. would you let me ride it corey?
hmmm… i will add you to the list of people who wish me to build them something.