Dear Red Mustang Owner Driving down rt. 20 in hamburg 5 minutes ago:

idk what it was, but it was that awesome ass blue color that they come in, with the bbs wheels or w/e

I usually enjoy both Salt and Pepper, thank you.

I have never experienced anyone ever revving at me… and Im in Hamburg too haha


I don’t go anywhere near rt 20. :gotme:

:roflpicard: Irony of that statement :roflpicard:

A mustang is a mustang at the end of the day, no?

i drive a super low mk2 vw gti on RIMMZZZZZZ

im just asking for trouble

Great, now I have the “shoop, shoop da doop” song stuck in my head

mmmm, I was heading down main st in hamburg and coming towards me was a blue 335i, he fucking got on it, all I could hear was turbos, then the sweet sound of a boost I-6

I didn’t hate it.

Fuckin Mustangs!

Fuckin Skanks!

Fuckin Skangs!

There so much shameless favoritism on this site as of late.

Good job guys :tup:

Totally rad isn’t it? Hopefully the unwanted will leave ya know!

Hater :spank:

Just stating my opinion. I call them as i see them, and last time i did that i lost my signature and avatar for 6 months.


:frowning: This thread was about how LAME mustang drivers are and you have to start the f-bod drama fest dont ya. Bro relax it is a forum. If you have issues with something PM a mod. If you just crap in threads it will result in such things as infractions and loss of privileges.

Lets stay on the topic here of poor Jammys hearing!

Went to Daytona Beach last week… needless to say, Mustangs out number people! unfortunately i did not bring my camera to the beach where i saw a SIQ 6 banger rice-stang with a fast and furious wing.

my left ear is still messed up. my balance hasnt been the same since “the incident”

i shot a 2 under in frolf on the front 9. wtf. usually i shoot at least a 3 under. fucking bullshit. its all because of the imbalance in my ear, and the jerk ass mustang driver who crippled me with this goddamn injury


you dont golf.

e30. - blowing all kinds o smoke hahahahaha