Dear Red Mustang Owner Driving down rt. 20 in hamburg 5 minutes ago:

ya, i bet your car is real fast. i bet its also super loud. actually, I KNOW FOR A FACT that its super loud. see, when you drove by me, sitting in the turning lane waiting for traffic to go by in my SUPER GAY VW you just HAD to rev the shit out of your siiqqq 4.6 litre v8, and now i feel that im am partially deaf in my left ear.

that was so unnecessary. i was just going to go to the store to get some fuses bc my pos MAD GAY VW keeps blowing them. you didnt need to rev at me. you were going the opposite way. was i supposed to turn around and chase you down?

i bet you got a good laugh at that. “fuckin vw driving faggot, bro. man, i bet he loved the sound of my SIIQQQQ V8”

UGH. that made me so fucking mad. so unnecessary

lol. he probably has the autorev mod.

anytime it detects an import it goes WOT.

Don’t take it personally. I think some of them come with this from the factory.

wasn’t me, don’t even have a catback.

I did see a shitty car with 9 pallets stacked on the trunk today and a 997 turbo when I was driving into hamburg today though.

Is that a sneaky way of saying that Mustang drivers have some kind of congenital retardation? :lol:

Two days in a row now I’ve had assholes pass me on the shoulder of the road at lights, before the light even turns green. Yesterday was a SiQ Mustang and Today was a SiQ G6

Next tard that does it I’m turning right into him…

Yeah I don’t get it. Since I bought my Cobra I have involuntary spasms when I see VW’s and Hondas. Same thing for Vette owners when they see me I think.

not that i really care but someone had a thread like this up a week ago and everyone was telling him to stfu and lock the thread, but here its ok

doubleeeeee standardddddddddddddddd

i didn’t see the thread either, but this guy sounds like a douche and i advocate keeping it open to discourage this behavior

probably because the other thread was something like.

To the mustang driver:

ur super cool for revvin at me when i was in my civic on rt 20 u suck at life if i was in my other car i woulda run you

At least jam’s post had some humor in it.

lol i guess the other one was a little immature

We just like Jam more. Deal with it.

Anyhow, good story, and I am sorry for making you deaf in one ear.

This thread is full of good info. For some reason I thought there were only 2 women in Salt ‘n’ Pepa. Who knew.

I was sure there was an official sandy vag thread but I can’t find it now…

+1 :lol:

i enjoy the thread headline!

i was in my fbod, and people would CONSTANTLY rev at me, for no fuckin reason at all, sum fggt in a R32 BOV’d me (if that’s a verb?) fuckin like 6 times in 500feet, like srsly?

fkin mustang drivers cut me off n rev their ultra siq car w/ ultra siq straight pipes

i hate summer.

turbo R32? sure it wasn’t a 1.8t GTI?

GT owners are almost all douche bags unless they are old dudes in S197’s. Cobra owners have class.

I need to get that BOV hooked up in my 335. I feel like I am leaving a lot on the table without it.


good,stay inside