Debt Consolidation - Anyone ever take advantage of this?

Completely agree ^

And something that hasn’t been said yet is this. Yes in interest you are saving $600 year. But what you aren’t realizing is that you are going to end up paying MORE in the long run because you will be longer on the payments you used to have.

For example:

You have $4,000 in CC debt at 24% interest. You have a $20,000 car loan. You could technically pay off the CC in a year and the car loan in 4 years.

If you consolidate those loans, you now have $24,000 you are paying off over a new term, I am going to guess 5-6 years.

So if you paid the credit card off in one year you would pay $960 in interest. Now since you are paying it off over 6 years at lets say 6%, you are now paying $1440 in interest.

Onto the car. If you were to pay the car off in the original 4 year contract at 7%, you will pay $4,600 in interest. Now since you are paying it off over 6 years at 6%, you are paying $7200 in interest.

You WILL end up paying more. Is it easier to pay one bill? Yes. If it worth losing thousands or even hundreds of dollars for? No.

Not to mention this is a very risky move in this job market. You will be using your house as collateral and there are a million things that can go wrong where you could lose everything.