debt consolidation questions

im not sure what type of loan i need or where is a good place to try for one. i have 2 bills i want to payoff a truck payment and warrenty and a high interest snapon credit loan i want to pay those off and have one lower interest loan to pay instead of the 3 seperate. in total i owe around 13000 or so so lets say a 15000 dollar dept loan how would i got about getting one? my credit is pretty food

quoted for spelling & grammar :bloated:

check out for a good bit of info on this topic.


is what your credit is

Just ignore the loans, they will go away.

I think I found your problem.

Call into a debt collecting center like “Allied Interstate,” There’s like 40 of them in Buffalo. They could get your debt reduced to like 30% of what you owe if you’re in a pinch.

your credit.
it’s pretty food.

cmon there is no way that could not hurt your credit…

best bet is to go into a bank/cu and apply.

you should be able to refi the truck loan on its own and get a decent rate since its secured property. I know I did mine, went from 16 to 10%.

15k wtf

wow, you started off at 16%?

and your still at 10?

Get rid of your toys instead of borrowing more money. It sounds like the toys are starting to swallow you.

Pay the shit off and live within your means.

fucking lol


hahahahaha this is so amazing.

but to answer your question, you’d probably need a personal (or unsecured) loan, but good luck getting one for 15k. If you do, good luck getting one with an interest rate that would make it worth it.
So, as stated, time to sell some toys, Captain Grammar.

haha i see a new custom title in his future.
have you tried calling the places you owe money too?
sometimes they will settle for less if you pay it in one shot.

Sell the truck and get a beater, theres little reason to make payments on something in buffalo, the citys going to eat the vehicle anyways. Plenty of cheap beaters to be had.

yes and no. I got my truck at 16%, re-fied it a year later to ten, traded it in on the accord shortly after that. and I have 8.59 now.

speedped posts = :fail::jawdrop::picard:

So you have “food” credit, and you want to keep “food” credit. The only way to do this is to either continue to pay them off or get a personal loan, which has been mentioned, will be high interest and hard to get for 15k. If you go this route, a credit union will be your best bet.

Now if you go the consolidation/calling your lenders and settling for less, you will kill your credit score. Consolidation companies will just take your money on the plan you set up and not pay your creditors for a period of time, killing your “food” credit. They will then settle with the credit companies and use the lesser amount of what you paid the company on the settlement. Which you can do all this yourself just buy not making payments on anything for about 5-6 months and calling them up to settle. It will show up as a settled amount on your credit history and be there for the next 7 years.

Your best bet would be to try a credit union for a unsecured personal loan. Also have you called your high interest snapon credit line and see if they can lower the interest rate yet?

jesus fucking christ you suck