debt consolidation questions

This. You’re not getting an unsecured loan for $13k, and if you’ve got $13k of revolving debt with no way to pay it I guarantee your credit is not that food.

Sell what you can to pay it down. I don’t know exactly what you have but it sounds like a vehicle with a service plan? Cancel the service plan. You have a bunch of snapon tools you bought with high interest credit? Sell them.

Interest will keep you fucked for years. Buckle down for a year and get your shit straight.

Stop spending your $$$ on useless things you’ll probably never need.

Not to mention all the For Sale posts that you say you are interested in buying. Did you get your Scooby statue yet ? That’s a real smart choice to spend your money on.

Use your fucking brain for once…

If you have a military connection go through the Pentagon Federal Credit Union. Debt consolidation loans are 7.99%.

If you arent military just donate to and you can then join.

you can start by selling me the quad you just bought recently.

I’ve seen people get banned for more stupid reasons than this.
Illegaly trying to sell drugs on an open forum…you’re smart!..:bigtup:

Edit:Not you JuicedSS, the OP.


I hear mordark will be giving out loans
especially if you’re willing to sell drugs for him

I cant even be upset at the spelling, food credit is absolutely amazing.

Goto your bank and look into a personal loan. In ur case that is probably the only possibility.


food credit =


There it makes sense. He wants to pay off his snapon tools and truck with food stamps.


just go to any credit union and explain your situation. Bring a cheeseburger to show you have income.

One of your best posts. Its the reason I sold all my fun toys, and bought a piece of shit paid off saturn to drive around in. Sick of storing everything for the winter, and paying insurance and upkeep on three cars.

I’ll just save my cash and move west.

No bank is gonna give a personal loan for 15k.

Just default on all of it.

I know a guy who defaulted on like 27k of credit card debt. Apparently “worked out a deal” with his cc company to pay “x” amount per month for “x” amount of years to resolve his debt. Whatever. Anyways, he calls me, “hey, I bought a house!”. Apparently, it’s all legit, and it’s actually happening.

Now, this is just what I’ve heard, I don’t know if any of this is true or not (I’m guessing it’s not). Explain to me how this is fucking possible? What banks are giving away morgages to peope who are broke as shit? If that the case, I’m gonna apply for every card out there, max the shit out of then and then default, buy a house in Spaulding Lake…

13k debt isn’t bad when your talking what you owe on your truck. If your just having a hard time paying a truck payment and snap on bill then seems like you should have shopped at sears becuase clearly those tools aren’t making you money. Buckle down, stop wasting money, and quit being poor.

I don’t know if I believe that it was $27,000 of credit card debt. You would’ve had to have had a pretty decent history to receive that much in the first place. Either way, the fact that the guy is telling people makes him even more a fucking retard than I can even portray over the internet on a forum. :uhh:

The account became a “chargeoff”. He then legally settled with the cc company for less than the actual balance. It’s not “free” money. It fucks up your credit. It’s almost like filing for bankruptcy. You pay an alotted amount to the credit card company every month at some ridiculous rate.

Too many of those and you’ll never get a loan ever again.

PS - Don’t get involved with debt consolidater’s. It fucks up your credit.


At telling him to default

It’s the American way!