Decent Tripod....

I am looking for a decent tripod. Something that is not too $$$ and something that is rather portable so I can take it with me where ever I go. What kind do you DSLR guys recommend? Pics and links would be appreciated.

Also…seeing 54" and 66" models…what should I get?

how much is ur max?



I got bought this one from an ebay auction by that same company for about $40 shipped. It gets the job done.


I got bought this one from an ebay auction by that same company for about $40 shipped. It gets the job done.


How tall is it? I was looking at this one…

dont ebay it. Go to the Camera store on Deleware or Elmwood across from Delta Sonic… or any other camera store. GOOD tripods are cheap (sub $50) but you need to play with it.


dont ebay it. Go to the Camera store on Deleware or Elmwood across from Delta Sonic… or any other camera store. GOOD tripods are cheap (sub $50) but you need to play with it.


thats true, you can find one locally and actually take your pick

just use the roof of the viper

what about a bipod?



what about a bipod?


Poor animals.

define “Decent” -

to me, having done pro video work, a good set of sticks is sooooo important, but my idea of “acceptable” is probably overkill for what you’re looking for.

what camera? lens(es)? weight? will you be hiking with it or just using it here and there to take car photos?

if weight is a consideration the carbon/kevler legged ones are nice - but otherwise it’s just bling. I have a couple of older Bogen/Manfrotto sticks but they both have pro video heads (designed for larger/heavier ENG cameras). for a DSLR you might want to just go check out the heads at a local camera shop, see if you want quick-release, stuff like that - unless you’re shooting at a track or sporting event I doubt you’ll ever need to pan/tilt on the fly so that’s probably not worth paying for.

another thought is a monopod, if you just need a little more stability for lower-light stuff - it won’t let you do multiple / long exposures or HDR etc but maybe you don’t need that?

as already stated,go to any camera store… and you can find a ‘decent’ one for cheap.


what about a bipod?


OMG it’s a TRICERATOPS! +1 karma for the post.

I’ve got one in my closet that is a kodak and its just collecting dust…

Extends to 52 or 54" closes to 20x3x3

i use an OLD( circa 1970) quantaray QP250.

works nicley.

I have a really nice sunset tripod from the '60s.