Best Tripod for the money

I got a Canon XSi from a buddy of mine and i really like to take night shots bt im having trouble keeping the damn thing steady. So what kind of tripods do you guys suggest?

Go to walmart and pick up whatever they have. A good tripod is one that holds the camera completely still, and can hold the camera safely. That being said, find something solid for <$40 and spend the savings on a remote.



I have a Manfrotto tripod with carbon fiber legs, its nice to carry around and plenty strong.

I got mine at walmart.

It holds the T1i fine and doesn’t blow up from bad tunes

+1 got mine at Walmart, shit was like $30. Works phenomenal!

just make sure it does what you want it to do … some tri’s can tilt sideways some have a crank to adujst height while some have the extended legs … you will want all of the options that you can get … if you dont have them one day you will wish you did

My Wal-mart has tilt, crank, 2 extending legs…shit’s d0pe