Anyone know where I can get a tripod setup?

Like the title says, im looking to get a tripod for my Canon SX110IS. I cant seem to find shit for it though… Thanks for any help

Can’t you just get sort of a universal one? That’s what I did for mine.

Honestly I dont know. Im not sure of the thread pattern is the same on all of the cameras, or if they change from make to model??

Well, my camera has a hole, and it has some threads in the hole, and then the tripod has this peg, and it also has some threads, and then I just put the two of them together and it makes magic happen.

Honestly though, I got it from Joe, it was one of his dad’s old ones. I have no idea how to help you. Just trying to make conversation since we suck at it so badly.

:rofl Well good talk fool! I might just superglue 3 sticks to the fuckin thing :lol

bring your CAMERA to STAPLES and INQUIRE about a TRi-POD

Why don’t you just ask Nick?

so u wanna get a tripod setup huh

use in conjunction daily

:smiley: hope that helps

good look on ur setup

:rofl I KNEW this thread was gonna turn to shit! lol

:lol u can thank your local admin :slight_smile:

Any tripod will work. You can spend $20ish to 500 or more. For your uses I’d say get the cheapest one available because your camera is light.

See, told you to ask Nick. :slight_smile:

tbh i think my post was more to the point and thoughtful… juss sayin

go to walmarts over in latham farms, they have one for $20-25 bucks. its got a level built into the frame and it goes from 1.5 feet tall to about 4.5-5 feet high. comes with the things to screw into the threads on the bottom of the camera, and pops right into the top of the tripod.

Ok cool! Im playing with the camera some since its really one of the only things i can do stuck on the couch lol.

I was gonna, but I hate callin/texting people and buggin them with questions. And I cant remember Nicks schedule for the life of me, and dont wanna wake a ni99a up! lol


I’ve got one Adam. Paid $30, looking for $15. It’s pretty basic but goes up and down and all around. Let me know

What kinda setup is it, adj and whatnot? VERY interested.

Looks kinda like this unit. Legs are adjustable, you can crank up the top part, hang counterweights from the bottom, built in level… etc. Nothing fancy, but very adjustable.

Sold. Im not sure when im going to be mobile enough to pick it up, but hold on to it for me if ya dont mind. With any luck ill be out and about within a week or so.