Dedicated Photo section?

  1. Rule 45 is a lie.

:rofl. nice list…

  1. The internet is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.


Yes I say do it, read my sig :smiley:

  1. There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw.

haha i li ke that one

i just realized im paying to surf shift… wtf

i vote me as moderator in the foto sekshun!

  1. Mods are fucking fags. No exceptions.

I think it’s a good idea, we already got a video section, why not a picture section too?

So far so good.

Looking likely.


Do it up!! Didn’t this forum used to have a dedicated photo section before the new software?

No, I think we may have touched on the subject, but never had it prior.

Now we do! :thumb