Deep Fryer

That restaurant thread started making me miss Buffalo food. Anyone ever use one of those personal deep fryers? Kinda like this one How much cleanup is involved with them, do i have to change the oil every time i want to use it? If its not that much work i’ll just order cases of chicken fingers/wings from buffalo and keep them frozen with me here :smiley:

You don’t change the oil every time.

It’s not THAT hard to clean, if you clean up every couple of times.

But if you wait… it gets ugly.

hmm i think im gonna order one then, do they just use vegetable oil in them?


You can just use veg oil in them, though they do make some better oils for frying, depending on what you are doing exactly. The cleanup isn’t too bad with them, make usre to get something with a nice lid, is insulated all the way around, and has a nice temp control.

You dont have to change the oil too often, just remember that the longer you wait, the greasier/fattier your food will be.

i would change it everytime you do fish anyway, i know a lot of restaurants use a separate fryer for fish. I know i will

Yeah, you don’t want to use a fryer for fish and then cook mozzerella sticks or really anything else. Everything will taste fishy. If your cooking various different things, save the containers the oil comes in and dump it back in when your done. Have one thing of oil for fish, and one for everything else.

im prob. just gonna use it for appetizer style stuff like chicken fingers, mozz sticks, pizza logs stuff like that. not that often either maybe once a week at most

Easy cleanup Jeff. I worked on a fryer for awhile. Let me know if you have questions after purchase.

This one is nice, you dont want metal sides, you’ll end up buring yourself. Just go and pick up a wire scooper too and youll be all set