Degreeing cam

Do you guys (or girls) usually degree your new cam? I didn’t last time, but it’s probably a good check. Some people have had new Comp ones off by a few degrees. I guess I never trust that stuff will just work (like piston to valve clearance, pushrod length, etc).

Anyone have a degreeing kit? Maybe I should just buy one, I wouldn’t mind having a dial indicator anyway.

yeah, go buy the kit so i can borrow it. i never degreed one before, but i have wanted to. i was always to cheap to buy the stuff.

Hmmmm, this sounds like the comment that my rockers and lifters are probably bad and I should give them to you. :slight_smile:

This adds up fast when you start tacking on $100 here and $200 there. I’m already over budget, gotta start selling the old stuff!

pm me a price and specs on the lifters and cam and i see what i can do.

jeff,ask phil my butt down at the west newton garage,he has the tool & can do it or we can get it & do it!