
and why are you here again? this is an AUTOMOTIVE FORUM after all.

hopefully that was a joke or really bad sarcasm

well cause i wana learn and when i need help with something i no where to go!

well these types of threads arent going to help you learn, they are just making you look like one of the many asshat noobs on here.



if you want to learn, buy a book for your car.

can we lock this this yet? :lockd:


What the fuck?

So you don’t know shit about cars and you post spam in the hopes of getting someone screwed over.


holy sh*t i kno enough to get me around but its not like i go around n try and talk big like i kno sumthin if i need help ill ask im sure all of you didnt wake up with car sense.

Give antosh a break he is only 16 fuck maybe 17 but damn. Im sure everyone on here was car smart at that age!!!

i highly doubt that was his intention here. you would have to literally be retarded to fall for this and i think he just posted this because he found it amusing.

16 with all the shit he has and 10 grand to spend on a trust fund?!

:clap: lol birthdays

i agree with this but it should have been in off topic or general auto.

Well, his profile says 21…

edit: wth…i just realized you get posts for posting in the classified section? wow.

thats why u have no friends

if it was a joke why would u email him (if it was a joke and u knew it was a scam) but anyway ur dumb stfu