Demolition of Bar **Firemen Practicing Tonight/Demo Tomorrow at 9am**

i would but i have work, otherwise id make my way down there w/ the mccullough and really fuck some shit up …

edit: also needed: video of a $250 pos trade in car ramming the bar before its torn down

Hey, maybe the bar will end up on Furmann Blvd flipped on its roof :slight_smile:

Demolition is ALWAYS fun. In for the sick burnouts in front of it when it’s going down.


and glad the burnout idea is going so well :slight_smile:

Haha, honored :slight_smile:

can we burn the bitch down


tried, the volunteer fire dept was all excited until the chief said no because its too close to the power lines and in the middle of town… don’t want to start any other buildings on fire

Theres no other buildings around it, but cars, move the cars,

Burn and Wooo, say in the process of demolishing it, it started on fire. somehow

car crashes cause fires … just sayin …

especially if they have molotov cockails in them

i bet the vette in the showroom could have pulled that building down! i say after u knock it down (the bar that is) put a new one up!
p.s. have the power co. put up new lines across the street then burn the fucker down! fires cool! hehehehehe! as butthead would say.

so the firemen got to have some fun tonight…


did they burn it? or just set off somke smoke bombs and do search and rescue and ventilation drills?

they just did the smoke bomb thing… it kinda sucked they couldn’t burn it

i did get to swing a firemans axe at the place a few times, which was cool

^^ hitman style

updates??? :gotme: