Desktop >post yours<?


^ i drew that


Mine has no wallpaper, no icons, classic theme and this in the corner:
Windows XP Professional
Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 (Service Pack 2)

Both on my desktop and laptop.

I haven’t found many widescreen wallpapers, this is one the ones I really liked

mind posting link to that city wallpaper? Looks pretty cool.

50 min later he finds it on his computer and uploads it:
This is my screensaver at work, at work im always stressed out so I look at it and it reminds me of my best moment every year. When im in that plane the second that Olympic airlines ATR 42 airplane touches the ground arriving from Athens in Chios to me there is no greater feeling. All year I count down the days and then finally the moment I arrive Im so happy to be home for a full summer of nothing but lot’s of fun, good times, lot’s of women, great beaches, lot’s of island hopping, parting, relaxing and spending time with my family and friends.
So when im at work, working like crazy, stressing it all day, dealing with idiots and people and problems that drive me crazy and I wonder why I put up with this shit, I just look at that image as a reminder that it will all pay off in the summer when Im in that plane again as it touches down in paradise.

That’s nice man… but don’t you think a higher resolution of your little day-dream would be better? LOL

^ I couldn’t find a higher resolution of that image on the net. Yeah the resolution on that pic does suck but it does the job!

I am at work tho, so ya, working really hard

Dude that’s funny.

resized and an old wallpaper just for yous guys

Wow… there’s really nothing more beautiful than a 1st gen NSX. Except maybe those ladies :drool:

Some cluttered desktops here.

Meh, even you’ve got 3 icons too many imo :stuck_out_tongue: