Diablo 3 announced today

No they are dead, tell them to GTFO. Keep on playing without them.

No point. I live for danger…

I wish I’d known about all you nerds when I hosted a private D2X realm. Was never able to get more than 10 or so people playing, although that wasn’t so bad.

Do it up kid. D2 4 life yo! :smiley:

lol I played D2 non-stop for a couple years, probably my favorite comp game of all time. I’m looking forward to this when it comes out though, since the whole WoW stuff never appealed to me.

meh, never really gave a shit about diablo

Do you have a Mac now? All of Blizzard’s new games are going to be released on both platforms.

I’m installing D2 as I type this :stuck_out_tongue:

My friend called me today from the convention. He had a zillion frequent flyer miles to burn up, and he got tickets to it somehow (he said they were very expensive). They opened the show with the intro of a new character (Wizard). He played the game for a few hours, said it was pretty good (he’s real picky). I only talked with him for a few minutes so I don’t have any details but he’ll be back sunday sometime, so i’ll drill him for some info.

I heard blizzcon was supposed to be very busy with all the shit coming out, SC2, D2, lich king. Tell him to get pics!

oh hai


Wizard class announced at BlizzCon