Diablo 3 announced today

wow, looks sweet. cant wait!

Found some gameplay footage here. Looks AWESOME. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/06/28/watch-diablo-3-teaser-and-gameplay-footage/

Best HC char = Zon with guided arrow and piercing!

Hah. I wont lie. i installed D2. Shitty ass built in graphics card driver keeps fucking up on me though lol.

simply. amazing.

my estimated release date is 2010 at least

Eh. If they already have the engine down and gameplay footage like that, I’d say they’re just working on tweaking the rules and getting all of the loose ends tied up. I would say summer of 09.

We are talking about Blizzard, it won’t be released until it’s delayed to perfection.

But I’ll be allllll over this.



Sorry guys, I wasn’t around my computer since i last posted. But I’d be up for reinstalling if I can find the discs!!

trap assas

Fuck it.


Gotta kill baal to get HC though

Can get a run through in like 2 seconds anyways =P

It’s tough finding someone who will do it. unless you have buddies that play.

Game doesn’t look all that impressive? Guess you just had to have played it.


Anyone up for starting a bunch of HC chars online tonight?

I’m tossing around the idea of installing D2 when I get home, but I have things I need to do tonight and I know I’ll get sucked into it if I install it. God damn Blizzard crackpipe.

You know what gonna happen right? 8 nyspeeders make new HC chars. every 5 mins one gets killed before beating the Den of Evil. The other 7 wait around for the new char to get created. Repeat.

Could always just install the insta-exit executable that auto closes the program the moment you are about to die :gotme:

HC Dueling was pretty intense though… if it ever was actually carried out