"So far no charges have been filed in the case. "
fuck this shit about fair trial crap. It shouldnt take 10 months to put the kid in the mustang behind bars, after he had a summer of fun to himself after killing someone with his car and stupidity.
Same for this shit. Fucking guy was behind the wheel when it crashed? People saw it? Fucking guy and the passangers for that matter (it not like they said he was abducting them or holding them against their will, they are just about as much to blaim) shouldnt have left that scene in anything other than the back of the squad car.
Imprudent speed for conditions.
Failure to stay right.
Wreckless driving.
In-volentary vehicular manslaughter.
Innocent until proven guilty right??? Fucking load them up with charges right fucking there, and THEN rebuild the incident and go from there. Its fucking retarded how easy it is to “get away” from someting like this. Dude could move away and hide if he wanted to right now.
again, why? 5 seconds looking at the scene will tell you what happened. Once again, SAME shit as the mustang kid… fucker pinned it, ran outa road and launched it into a house. Everyone could use the pictures in the paper and google earth to remotely figure that out… I am sure you can do the same for this one.
god damn joke and a god damn shame inocent people died, got hurt, and the society we have more or less allows it to continue happening.