Girl dies walking out of work after being hit by car...

This happened last night here. Crazy. Rutland has gone to shit in the last 15 years. You could make a TV show on what happens here.

A high school senior is dead following a car crash last night in Rutland, involving a driver who police suspect was speeding and under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

The wrecked cars are still in place on Cleveland Avenue-- 18 hours after the crash.

Police say Carly Ferro, 17, was just getting out of work at the Discount Food and Liquidation Center when an out-of control car crashed into her father’s parked car.

“She had actually come out, was in the process of getting in the passenger side of his vehicle when his vehicle was struck by Spanos, pushed into the wall, then slid down the side of the building for about 100 or 150 feet,” Rutland Police Lt. Kevin Geno said.

Carly Ferro-- a state champion golfer at Rutland High School-- died at the scene. Her father, Ron, remains hospitalized with a serious head injury.

The driver of the car, Alex Spanos, 23, and his two passenger suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

Police suspect Spanos had been drinking and huffing chemical fumes just prior to the crash. They say his car was going an estimated 60 mph when it crashed.

So far no charges have been filed in the case.

the piece of garbage driving the car should get a slug in the head to save the tax payers some money.

He won’t.
If its the same kid he was recently arrested in NYC with two others for having crack and weed in the car.

So terribly sad when someone completely innocent dies at the hands of a complete fuck up, It makes me sick.

that would end up costing tax payers more money, somehow.

and wtf are the cars doing not cleaned up after 18 hours?

Accident reconstruction or some BS.

"So far no charges have been filed in the case. "

fuck this shit about fair trial crap. It shouldnt take 10 months to put the kid in the mustang behind bars, after he had a summer of fun to himself after killing someone with his car and stupidity.

Same for this shit. Fucking guy was behind the wheel when it crashed? People saw it? Fucking guy and the passangers for that matter (it not like they said he was abducting them or holding them against their will, they are just about as much to blaim) shouldnt have left that scene in anything other than the back of the squad car.

Imprudent speed for conditions.
Failure to stay right.
Wreckless driving.
In-volentary vehicular manslaughter.

Innocent until proven guilty right??? Fucking load them up with charges right fucking there, and THEN rebuild the incident and go from there. Its fucking retarded how easy it is to “get away” from someting like this. Dude could move away and hide if he wanted to right now.

again, why? 5 seconds looking at the scene will tell you what happened. Once again, SAME shit as the mustang kid… fucker pinned it, ran outa road and launched it into a house. Everyone could use the pictures in the paper and google earth to remotely figure that out… I am sure you can do the same for this one.

god damn joke and a god damn shame inocent people died, got hurt, and the society we have more or less allows it to continue happening.

yeah what a piece of shit if thats the same kid… no way its not if they are both same age, same residence.

Fucking piece of garbage.

It has to be. Not many peeps around with the same name in small ass towns. He’s one of many.

EDIT: Definitely him, they just released his mug shot.

it’s really not that easy to get away with anything like this, but the rules need to be there for cases where it isn’t so cut and dry when it comes to who did what. of course he could go run but unless he comes from a filthy rich family he will be found and he will be held responsible and then have to deal with multiple more charges. i still don’t get 18 hours for an accident scene reconstruction, but it is vermont, nobody is ever in a hurry there.

Rutlands mayor is retarded for starters:

RUTLAND, Vt. - If you head to downtown Rutland, you may notice some changes at Depot Park.

The mayor decided to remove park benches. The hope is to curb disorderly and sometimes illegal behavior.

The idea was brought up by some residents who say they no longer use the park because they don’t feel comfortable.

“There is a lot of drug use,” Rutland resident Willie Clark said. “So by removing the benches people thought they’d get rid of that element.”

“We’re also going to engage some of the young adults who’ve been problematic,” Rutland Mayor Chris Louras said. “We want you here, but we want everyone to feel welcome as well.”

So far, the mayor says he’s had positive feedback, with one exception.

On Saturdays, the park is host to the local farmers’ market. So there’s nowhere for people to relax.

yeah parkbenches were always where I did my crimes and drugs. Shit now where do I go?

Remove the creeps. Park a cop car at the end of every main shitty street in the shitty neighborhood. Every shady ass car or person gets the “I am watching you eyes”, and is yanked for every little thing that is a reason to be questioned, hassled AND when you find something on them prosecute to the fullest. Make it efficient to filter out the people that dont give a shit about you or themselves.

Then put the damn park benches back for the people that want to sit on them and spend time outside respectfully.

You’re overqualified to be mayor. :lol

He’s facing numerous charges now:

Alex W. Spanos, 23, of Rutland, is expected to appear in Rutland criminal court Friday to answer to felony charges of manslaughter, gross negligent operation of a motor vehicle with death resulting and two counts of gross negligent operation of a motor vehicle with serious injury resulting as well as misdemeanor charges of reckless or gross negligent operation and reckless endangerment.

WOw that sucks…rip

i would absolutely hate to see you in any position of crime enforcement, sounds like you are full on for a police state and rip people of every freedom they have while raping them out the ass with taxes.

Good ol rutvegas , I miss living in vt but rutland was most deff a shit show .

I’m very sorry to hear about the young girl.

The driver’s life is over as well, tho he obviously deserves it.

LOL at the park bench thing. I saw something a few days ago on CNN about some teenager who was sorta like an anti-gang activist (i think) shot in an LA park. The whole discussion was about the fact that the city wanted to put up cameras in the park for years but it had been delayed because politics.

Fuck cameras, if you know its such a high crime area, why don’t you flood it with cops? its like their just giving up the area to gangs. Take them off the highway and put them in real crime areas. I mean serriously, how many incidents/accidents to they really prevent on the road? i’m thinking its like 0, there just there to clean up the mess, harass people, create revenue for local gov

Sad part is, there has been cameras pointed at that park from the rooftop of the Walmart 50 feet away for the last 15 or so years.

There used to be a parking deck there too. No one used it, bums started pissing in the stair well, so the city tore it down and built a multi-million dollar parking deck two blocks away that no one still uses. The new deck closes at 11pm so if your car is in there, you’re fucked. Gates get locked.


fuck yes I would… for the people that dont deserve to be treated good. Start giving society back to the people that respect their lives and the people around them, and want to lead a safe, prosperous and respectful life.

Not pulling over people who make honest mistakes here and there, not sitting in a U turn for hours while they could be out actively looking for places to help.

thats what i meant.

more or less dont be a douchebag in my town and you wont have any troubles. :number1