Did anyone see Good Luck Chuck?

and how was it?

I’m thinking of going this week…

but I heard it got like half a star :confused:

jessica alba is in it. who cares. she is aawsefgiaurwsgjopjasdopfjpuiansdm[ofpj hauispdnf[jasd ifi FUCKING HOT

It looked awful from the trailer. If you need an alba fix go watch into the blue. She in a bikini and wet for half the movie, and it actually has a plot.

yeah but dane cook is also in it, he negates anything that might be good about any movie.


i’ve got a bonnnerrrr

i heard it was really funny from a few people

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Funny and lots of boobs. Even a 3 titted chick!!


It was pretty damn funny, though Alba and Cook have very little chemistry.

could be because he is a huge flaming douche and she is a goddess

I wanna see it…looks funny…and Alba is omfg boioioioioiooiiiingggg!!!

i saw it, it was good, the comedy sorts of fades off into mushy shit towards the end tho

but in my case i saw it on a date, so it kinda worked well

doesnt hurt that my date and i got into a alba / beil conversation in the lobby before the movie

word of warning, when the big black chick from the office shows up at dane cooks house in the one scene, close your eyes till it sounds safe again … same for the fat chick from the pool date …

I liked it… dane cook is funny and alba is hot so it worked out.

kinda funny, lots of boobs, and even a nice sideboob from jessica alba. i guess its worth seeing.

DC is the man, I am seeing this probably Sunday. Can’t wait.

you are on ignore from now on…

it’s definitely not a well thought movie. However, if you don’t think too much about the detail and simply enjoy the movie (plus the boobies!), I think the movie is very funny.

One thing though, I’m not really familiar with Dane Cook outside this movie.

Well, maybe I’ve seen his performance once on HBO.

it was okay. not worth the money though i’m glad i watched it on ssuplaod. jessica alba is hot and it has it’s moments.