did anyone watch this mythbusters (vid):

was laughing my ass off the first time i saw this. is it true that sulfer hexifloride or w/e can kill you?


It lowers your voice if inhaled in small amounts but like any gas, it displaces oxygen in your lungs and since its a dense gas can technically suffocate you. the myth is you need to bend over and get it out of your lungs but they say is false and your lungs naturally can displace it.

yeah i just found like 10 more videos on the tube of people inhaling it. idk hopefully they made it.

i had no idea…

Where can I get this stuff?

lmao i want some

endust has extremely similar effects. Probably equally as harmful if not more, though.


no that was not the myth they were testing FYI

ha that’s awesome…would be great to answer the door for trick or treators in a month or so with that voice…