another salvia thread

did you know you could buy this shit on ebay?


came across this on another forum and was sorta taken aback by it… that shit is wicked.

incense my ass

I’ve heard some absolute horror stories about this stuff.

first i thought this was about saliva.

then i thought it was about a silvia.

what the fuck is salvia?

It’s a hallucinogen. Comes from some kind of cactus plant. Salvia Divinorum IIRC

it’s basically marijuana-like crap that you smoke.

however, the first couple times you get down with it you will have trippy halucinations… but you dont feel all janky afterwards like weed.

it’s not illegal

it IS illegal in NYS now. but you can buy it on the rez.

i’ve never done it, but i was going to try it… my boyfriend did it first and it was the funniest thing i’ve ever seen in my entire life. it only lasts about 5-10 minutes, but what happens is so unbelievable. it’s truly a funny story but i won’t get into it.

where on the res? at gas stations?

since when? pavilion and all the head shops in town still carry it last i checked (few months ago)

Pavilion also sells bongs and shit.

Paraphernalia anyone?

i dont think its illegal in nys? where does it say that

I pretty sure it’s not illegal to jave paraphernalia in your possession.

The United States
Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Delaware, Maine, and North Dakota are the only states in the USA that have laws prohibiting possession of Salvia divinorum.

but currently it is being considered in other states, including NY

you can have 10,000 bongs and as long as none of them have any illegal substance on them, its not illegal… never has been to own some glass. scales, papers, hookahs, pipes,none of that shits illegal (yet yes, still considered paraphernalia) to have in your possession, unless like I said theres residue or obvious use of something illegal with it.

i smoked that shit looks like green fish food and doesnt taste anybetter prolly.nothing happend to me

You can buy it at the head shops on the rez. Like Wubs and Renee’s, Mikey G’s, etc. I’m talking about the Irving rez.

Last I knew, they made it illegal as of Jan. 1st.

Salvia is crap and is nothing like pot.If you want to trip man up and do shrooms/acid, instead of buying into this 10 minute bullshit.

It works for some and doesn’t work for others. You can buy it anywhere because it’s not illegal, yet.

From what I understand, it takes a much higher temp flame to make it burn properly to feel the effects. Basically regular lighters don’t cut it, you need a torch. I don’t know first hand whether this is true, I don’t even like pot, I have absolutely no interest in trying this crap.

edit I think you’re also supposed to smoke it through a water pipe. Don’t know why though.

it worked for me… oooooh man did it work for me. i freaked on this shit.

there was an article in one of the UB newspapers about this a while ago…i guess this shit can really fuck you up. from what i remember, the people they interviewed in the article said you shouldnt have anything sharp or that you could do damage with because when you’re coming off the high you feel like you want to kill yourself or something. I might still have the paper lying around on my desk somewhere, i can scan the article in if anyone wants to see it.

Shrooms FTL: The wallpaper in my parents family room felt the wrath of that shit. And as FAR as acid goes…THEY were coming to get me!!@!!one!11!!one!1