got salvia


LMAO @ the cat…

lol what the hell is salvia and where can i get some immediately. that was hilarious

excuse me, I have to go to space now.

salvia is legal. you can get it at head shops

lmao that was funny

good to know. i hope i dont like it though…because if i do…goodbye spending money.

i want some too. buy it for 2 and come over :gay:

men iv tried salvia before and you only feel the effects for about 15 minutes. The feeling however was unreal.

I’ve heard bad things from people who tried the stuff. IDK…

I have been on the good and bad side. It is cheap as fuck, like $20 will last you a long ass time. Don’t do it alone, a friend is always helpful.

The heavy effect depends on how much you take. A water bong will do more for you than a pipe will, but be cautious on the size of hit you take. It is normal for your mouth to get either really dry or drool on your self, and you are guaranteed to sweat your ass of even if it is freezing cold.

Final point, when on this it is a pretty crazy trip; you never know what you are going to say or do, or where you are “going to be”. I was walking on water trying to touch the sun once… It was weird to come around and be in my living room. Ans it is true that 5 minutes of fun is what you will get followed by a groggy sense of euphoria or fear (if it was a bad trip)

Edit: don’t let anyone talk to you when you do it… they will just fuck it up, or you wont even know what they are saying.

See here:

lol does terrapin still have it>?

Not worth the 5 minutes of fun. One bad trip and it ruins it for everyone.

Stop being a pussy.

smoking weed was fun when i was younger, but now when i smoke it always fills me with the sickening feeling of dread. i dont know how else to describe it

never tried salvia tho

im still fucking rofling

just cuz its legal doesnt mean its good.


I smoked it out of a 6 ft steamroller and I was drooling all over myself. It def needs to be smoked within a group of people.

Pussy? Ha.

seems pretty sweet