got salvia

Did it once and it blew my mind. I really did not expect something that is legal to make me feel like that. Granted it only lasts a few minutes… But 1 hit made the ceiling melt down the walls, and there was a fucking concert coming out of a computer. The girl next to me thought she was stuck in a crayon box. She was fuchsia and i was royal blue, and she really just didn’t want to be a crayon any more.

All in all, it was kinda scary.


and LOL at that fucking cat! hahahaha

^^ That was fucking great! I am crying.

“i’m going to kill you” :rofl:

Who wants to have a party and get all the girls to try it? :wink: Looks pretty funny in the videos, but I don’t think I ever want to do that. LOL

questions for the experienced ones:

how big of quantities does it come in? i’m assuming that since only one hit really gets ya good…one purchase has got to be good for a few bowls full…and a bowl has to be good for at least a few people to each hit once…

and if the trip only lasts like 5 to 10 minutes…can you just take another hit and start over after that…or after the trip are you so just dead you don’t want to take any more?

and what makes the difference between a good and a bad trip? the quality of the stuff or just how your body reacts to it, or your frame of mind, or the environment around you?

i’m seriously interested in this shit…lol

Group buy??? im in if someone buys ill put some cash in.

you feel like puddie after you come down… drink way better of a high… just my 2 cents

lol at poor people doing a group buy. They said this shit was cheaper than pot.

this post is incredible

I would like to compare this thread to “worst legal trouble/have I been arrested” and see how many names pop up in both…

lol +1. You can even buy it on ebay.

But yea, I tried it, it was free for me, and I learned that I have no interest in ever doing it again. I figured “hey, it’s legal, how bad can it be?”… I hated being that far out of control, it’s painfully uncomfortable.

For those of you who want to try it, do NOT think it’s gonna be like smoking a bowl and munching on mighty taco for a few hours. It intensely fucks you up for a good 10-15 minutes… which doesn’t sound like a long time, but it feels like a lifetime. I sat for about 30 minutes after it stopped making me see things saying to myself “that was so fucked up”.
It’s not a depressant, it’s a hallucinogenic. That means that no matter how “perfect” your surroundings are, there’s still a chance you could freak the fuck out and have a really bad day. Again, watch that video I posted… it’s funny to watch that dude, but imagine what he was going through. He was screaming in terror at shit that wasn’t there. He was NOT OK.
This stuff is quickly being made illegal in many states, and I completely understand why.

I took a decent hit out of a pipe. I could’nt stop laughing for about 5 mins then I started to come down. Afterwards, I went back to the party outside and I felt dopey for about an hour after. I was having trouble playing kan jam.

I wouldn’t suggest it for anyone who has never tripped, or has a lot of stress, and is not care free anymore.

If you’re seriously thinking about it, do it with someone who is sober.

My boyfriend did it, and he had the worst trip ever. To me it was funny, but he seriously had no idea what was going on. We were watching Reservoir Dogs, and he thought he was part of the movie. He started yelling and saying “WHY ARE THEY TALKING TO ME?” He didn’t know he was a real person. He kept asking me what my name was, and was panicking so badly. Every time he sat down, he thought he was sinking into the couch. Then for about 10 minutes, he was pacing back and forth telling me to call the cops, because “they” were outside, and he had to get out of here.

At the end of his trip, he told me to flush the rest, and he never wants to see it again.

Oh, and if you want to feel the effects, you’re supposed to smoke it out of a water bong. Just so you know.

I’ve personally never done it. I’m not into that.

Oh, and research it online before you do it.

Yea, like answering the phone and trying to talk on it… when the phone is melting into your head?

When I did it… I “melted” into the couch and no matter what I couldn’t get up or out of the couch!!!

Oh yea… and don’t stand up… As someone cough mike cough knows… you can just “tip” over and fall flat on your face…

lol kid couldnt even drive anywhere

why would you want to drive when you’re under the influence?

i dont have sound so i have no clue all i saw was the title saying driving on silvia

yeah i did this in a public park and it was crazy. i tried to drive my car and i just gave up and sat down.

why does everyone put their hands up in the videos like they’re under arrest?